Let’s Move personal training

These sessions are tailored to suit your needs, goals and body. After your initial consult where I find your why and your desired outcome for these sessions, we get straight in to moving!

Taking a holistic approach to training provides you with more tools to improve your health and great movement library where I meet you where you are at with your training – do not wait till your ‘fit enough’ for these sessions, they are designed for you for where you are at in your journey.

Let’s Move with buddies

Do you enjoy working out with friends or other like-minded people?

These sessions are designed for 2-4 people which allows me to still plan for your personal needs and fitness levels but share the fun with your friend or join an existing group.

Still all the perks of personalised training with my holistic approach.

Movement /Rehabilitation

Many people live with chronic pain, restricted mobility and recurring injuries. Getting to know your body is the best thing you can do yourself. I have had some fantastic wins with clients that walk in with hips rotating one way and thorax rotating the other way – with no idea what was going but all they felt was pain!

Most people can be ‘fixed’ but it does take time as the body may have to relearn patterns or turn on muscles that have not been used for a while. It’s important to understand that the body is a complex piece of machinery and reacts in different ways which may not seem logical to us. But with attention and consistent movement, it can heal it’s never too late to live free of pain.

Group fitness

Working out with others is fun! And that’s what I make these group sessions. These are held at the Kauri Hall 3x a week. All fitness levels welcome because I plan these group sessions to suit all fitness levels. No two sessions are the same and you will work the whole body. We have great conversations on health, movement and include just about everything else in these conversations.

You will meet the most wonderful woman in these groups and included in joining these group classes is a VIP facebook page, term catch ups, weekly check ins and term challenges.

Let’s Move virtually

The best thing to come from lock downs! Virtuals!

These sessions are via zoom and are held in your own space at home. I join you at 6am Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Again, no session is the same and you will train the whole body while enjoying different themes such as box fit, weights (Limited weights needed), body weight, mobility and more.

Recordings are available with these classes. These classes are great for mums or dads that can’t leave the house that early, people struggling to fit in exercise and those that want more movement in their week

Both group fitness and virtual classes are held for the duration of the term.
If you have an injury that might be detrimental to these sessions I would advise a movement / rehabilitation appointment with me first.