Shout out post to an amazing wāhine in my life that helps me get it done. As a full time working Mum of 3, with a shift working Husband, life is a constant juggling act to fit it all in. As a working Mum you feel the guilt of missing stuff in your kids life. At work you feel the pressure to be present and try not to miss stuff. So I often run around like a crazy lady trying to keep everyone else happy. But when and how do I get me time. Exercise has always been that for me. I’m an active relaxer that needs to keep busy to quiet my mind and the never ending to do list. Tarsh’s flexibility and way of looking at making it work for everyone is a massive help in my life. I attend Tarsh’s morning zoom classes and I get to do this where it suits me. Normally it’s my lounge surrounded by kids either techniqueing my squats or joining in. But I also get to take Tarsh with me when I travel for work, by joining from my hotel room all over the country. This comes with its own interesting challenges when she ask for weights, but there is normal a rubbish bin or pair of boots to substitute. Tarsh even joined me from my hotel on our ski trip to Queenstown one year. It may be a laugh for Tarsh watching what I find to use, but to me this is my time that my brain doesn’t think about anything else other that why her 60second timer seems more like 90 and my arms are dying. It also means that in a full office day of meetings I’ve managed to fit some fun movement in and it’s one less thing on my guilt list. Love your work Tarsh